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A Native American women's journey from childhood trauma to survivor.


Red, White & Blues is the autobiogrphy of Linda Raye Cobe from the Lac Vieux Desert Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Indians. Linda is a survivor of the Holy Childhood School of Jesus Indigenous Boarding School in Harbor Springs, Michgian. Her story is an all to common one of our Native brothers and sisters and how the forced assimilation into "Americanization" has adversely affected them. 

"Red, White & Blues is a story of triump over tragedy, courage over complacency, resurrection over resignation. As Anton Treuer, Professor of Ojibwe at Bemidji State Univeristy in Minnesota, says, "Nothing can stop an Indian who konws who she is." Linda shares her journey to self-knowledge with us, and so inspires us to do teh same." Jeannie M. Green Ballew. 


Note: 100% of profits from the sale of this book goes directly to Linda. We do not take any part of the profits. Linda has graciously offered free shipping to all who purchase her book as a thank you for hearing her story. Word of warning: have some tissues ready. You will become a better person simply for reading her story. 

Red, White & Blues:

  • Please refer to our Refund Policy for full information. 

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